Teachers’ Top 20
FREE Kidpower Resources

Educators worldwide use Kidpower resources every day to protect and empower their students, early childhood through university, to make their hallways, playgrounds, dorms, classes, and groups safer for people of all ages, abilities, identities, and life situations.

Educators discovering Kidpower for the first time often say, “There’s so much here – where do I begin?” So, we put together our Teachers’ Top 20 FREE Kidpower Resources – download the PDF to share with educators in your life today!


Free Downloads, including “Boundary Rules” and “Consent Checklist” posters:

Creating Positive Social Climates to Stop Bullying article:

7 Keys to Teaching Safety Skills to Everyone, Everywhere article:

Social Aggression and Relational Aggression: Skills for Recognizing the Problem & Staying Safe article:

Practice as a Management Tool for Unsafe, Disrespectful Behavior article:

Touch & Consent in Healthy Relationships article – includes Safety Rule About Private Areas:

Kidpower Shorts video series: topic-specific videos, 4-10min each, to use in classes with teens/older children:

Kidpower Online Learning Center Safety Powers course – designed for people with communication challenges yet used by people from all walks of life, including teachers with teens and older children:

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