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I want to share with you my welcome letter in our 2018 Annual Report – and hope you will take a few moments to enjoy these heartwarming stories and photos about our work and wonderful progress.

It is hard to imagine that Kidpower was started 30 years ago this coming June! As I look back, I am filled with wonder at how the seeds of safety we have planted have had – and keep having – such an incredible impact on millions of lives.

I am honored by the years of commitment from so many amazing people who have made our organization possible – and moved by the new people who are inspired by Kidpower’s message of hope to get involved in bringing our skills to their own families, schools, organizations, and communities – in states throughout the US and in countries around the world.

Even after so many years, the delight in children’s faces as they have fun and feel successful never gets old to me!

On a personal level, last year had its sorrows, its challenges, its joys, and its miracles. The support of our wonderful community after the death last January of my father Raim, who was so proud of Kidpower, helped to heal my heart.

And, just a few days before last Christmas, Kidpower had the honor of being the first grantee of the Nancy Driscoll Foundation. Thanks to my dear friend and our former Board President Nancy and her husband Tom, Kidpower was given a $100,000 ‘Grant of Love’ to help to ensure that our work will survive and thrive to serve millions more people in the years ahead.

As I eagerly look forward to Kidpower’s 30th year, my deep gratitude goes out to each and every one of you. People all over the world are safer and more confident thanks to your dedication and support. Together, we are planting seeds of safety so that everyone, everywhere will have the knowledge and skills they need to take charge of their safety.

Again, I invite you to please take few minutes to enjoy the photos and stories in our 2018 Annual Report and to share this with others. 

Copyright © 2019 - present. All rights reserved.

Published: March 7, 2019   |   Last Updated: March 7, 2019

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