Adding Kidpower skills to your life is easy!

Use the Kidpower Starter Kit – so you can have more fun and fewer problems with people. 

Use the Kidpower Starter Kit – so you can have more fun and fewer problems with people.

Kidpower skills help people of ALL ages and abilities build strong relationships and be safe from harm.

Adding Kidpower skills to your life is easy – and once people start using them, they are often amazed by the many ways the skills make their lives better on a daily basis.

Because we have a lot of resources developed over many years, people often ask, “where is the best place to start?” So, we created this Kidpower Starter Kit!

Download the full Kidpower Starter Kit – or, choose just the parts you want from the selection below and, email with any safety questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

Kidpower Starter Kit

Fullpower Adult Safety Tips

to protect yourself and to model safety for others

Fullpower Boundary Personal Practice

to prepare you to set boundaries with confidence

Fullpower Boundary and Consent Checklist Poster
Fullpower Boundary Principles For All Poster
30 Safety Signals ebook

introducing core social-emotional safety skills for all ages

30-Skill Challenge eHandbook
Register now!

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