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For “Throwback Thursday” we thought you might enjoy this photo of our founder, Irene, demonstrating how to practice setting healthy boundaries with a child in a 1993 workshop, AND to see how much our Kidpower Safety Tips have grown from our first handout, introduced in 2011, to now with 5 safety tips handouts and posters!

Use and share these free, up-to-date, one-page Safety Tips for Parents, Teens and Adults, 10 Tips to Stop Negativity, Kidpower’s Bill of Rights for People with Disabilities (and Everyone), and our Safety on the Way to School Checklist.

The accessible knowledge and skills in these handouts about how to stay safe from bullying, abuse, and other violence can reduce suffering and increase joy in life.

For example, our free one-page Kidpower Safety Tips for Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and other Caregivers provides useful reminders and a checklist for families, schools, youth groups, health and mental health organizations, and law enforcement agencies.

Please review these tips for yourself and pass this handout on to others. As long as the Kidpower contact information and logo stay with these handouts, feel free to post them on school and agency websites and newsletters. We enjoy seeing all the places our handouts have reached, so let us know how and where you’ve shared it if you’d like!

To learn how to discuss and practice the skills on this list with kids, use our free on-line Library resources or the publications in our Book Store. Consider taking a Kidpower workshop or arranging for long-distance coaching.

Fear and anxiety do not make kids safer – and neither does denial. Being successful and having fun practicing skills increases both safety and confidence.

Please send us your questions, stories, or suggestions! 

Copyright © 2020 - present. All rights reserved.

Published: February 6, 2020   |   Last Updated: February 6, 2020

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