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Learn how to advocate for safety and child protection throughout September and beyond!

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When adults are safer, kids are safer too. We send articles and resources that apply to all ages and stages of life.

Join our international community and receive important safety information from Kidpower to help prevent problems, communicate effectively, reduce stress, increase confidence, and have stronger relationships with people.

You can also submit questions about taking charge of the emotional and physical safety for you and your loved ones at home, at work, at school, online, at play, on trips, and in your neighborhood.

“Thank you so much for your advice about what to say to my child after a terrifying kidnapping attempt in our small peaceful community. You helped all of us during a very difficult time!”  – a grateful reader.

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NEXT: Help spread the word all month via social media with simple status updates, links and tweets. Consider taking just 5 minutes every week in September to help keep up awareness and share new resources as the become available throughout the month.