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mother and daughet hugging“I first learned Kidpower skills 20 years ago when I was a young woman in my last year of college. Afterwards, instead of enduring putdowns, harassment, and other belittling behavior, I was able to speak up for myself, having practiced the words to say and developed the confidence to say them. In addition, I was prepared to defend myself in an emergency a few years later when I fended off an assault from a man who attacked me in a garage late at night. I fought and escaped. People heard my shouts of “No!” and “Call 911!” from blocks away and called the police. Now as a mother, I have so much more peace of mind knowing how to teach my young daughter to be safe without making her scared and how to advocate for her respectfully and powerfully. I still use what I have learned in Kidpower for myself every day – with my family, friends, neighbors,  teachers, and colleagues. Thank you!”

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