combined group photo

Some members of the 4-H Club with Irene

One of my most heartwarming moments of this past month was thanks to the 4-H Club of Soquel, a small town near where I live.

The children and youth had chosen Kidpower as their service project and decided to create a charitable coin-toss booth at the Santa Cruz County fair.

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The Jar with $188.66

These enthusiastic young people built and painted the booth themselves and put plates, statues, and other objects onto top of straw. Fair visitors were invited to pitch coins and try to land on the objects in the booth with all proceeds going to Kidpower.

The response was enthusiastic. A  couple of people even folded up a dollar bill and tried to throw with that.

One of the biggest challenges for the kids was to sift through the straw and sort out the money that had not made it onto an object. Bay Federal Bank, one of our long time supporters, allowed the use of their coin counting machine, even the dust from the straw caused a couple of jams.

Being presented with a jar full of hard-earned money raised by kids for child safety was a real honor!

My thanks to all the members of 4-H Club of Soquel – we deeply appreciate your hard work and commitment!

Booth at the Fair

The Booth at the Fair

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