Kidpower Comprehensive Program Manual

Kidpower Comprehensive Program Manual - Click to order on Amazon.comYou can preview and order on Amazon!
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This extensive 350+ page manual has been developed during our over 28 years of teaching thousands of children and training hundreds of instructors. This is the textbook for our Kidpower Comprehensive Program instructor training program and explains the Kidpower method for helping students be successful while practicing self protection, advocacy, confidence, personal safety, and physical self defense skills.

The in-depth material has hundreds of explanations, exercises, and activities.

Topics covered include:

  • The “How’s” of Kidpower
  • The “What’s” of Kidpower
    • Starting Classes
    • Everyday Safety Skills
    • Physical Self-Defense
    • Dealing with Bullying Behavior
    • PuppetPower
    • Ending Workshops
    • Personal Safety Articles and Handouts

$89.99 USD. Contact for discounts on orders of 10 or more.

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All income from books sales goes to help our nonprofit organization cover the cost of publication and of providing educational resources.

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