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Transcript: Look Around, Not Just at the Ground

Welcome to the People Safety Audio Lesson from Kidpower, teaching advocacy, boundary setting, and other personal safety skills for building happier lives and stronger relationships. I’m Erika Leonard with another Kidpower People Safety Tip.

So, what’s so interesting down there on the ground? Take a moment to watch people walking down the sidewalk where you live today, and chances are, you’ll see a whole lot of us looking straight ahead at the ground about ten feet ahead while we walk. Sure, it’s good to know what’s down there – who knows what we might trip over or step on? But there’s a whole lot more we’re likely to miss unless we lift our heads and use our awareness.

By looking around and noticing things closer to the level of our own eyes, we might see signs for a show we want to see, or interesting holiday decorations going up in the neighborhood windows. We might catch sight of a friend and take the opportunity to chat, or we might notice the change of seasons reflected in the flowers and the leaves.

In addition to all that good stuff, we’re much more likely to notice potential problems earlier when we’re using our awareness. We might notice someone riding a bike toward us, or a driver who’s not really paying attention as we approach the crosswalk, or maybe a person whose behavior suggests, “Hmm, there might be trouble ahead.”

By noticing early, we can take action to prevent problems and stay safe, making our odds of having a good day go way up. In addition, when we lift our vision that extra bit and start looking around, we usually stand taller and open our eyes just a bit more, making us look more aware and confident to people noticing US. And, people are more likely to listen to you and less likely to bother you when you show awareness!

So when you’re out there living your life today, think about your eyes, where you look, how just a little change in awareness can add a lot to your safety and your quality of life.

But, while you’re looking around at all that good stuff you’ve been missing and moving away from trouble before it’s right there under your nose…. Don’t forget to look down now and then. Because, of course, you wouldn’t want to trip.

Visit for more people safety tips, and remember, in everything you do, stay safe, act wisely, and of course, believe in yourself!

For more information about Kidpower’s resources for teaching these People Safety Skills and concepts, please visit our online Library and our RelationSafe™ Bookstore.

Erika Leonard manages our California center, trains and mentors instructors, and is a Kidpower Senior Program Leader.