Sexual Harassment – Another Kind of Pollution 7 steps to protect yourself from sexual harassment

We are often socialized to minimize sexual harassment. One way to understand this issue is to see sexual harassment as being another kind of toxic pollution. Although pollution usually doesn’t kill you right away, it does make your environment less pleasant to live and work in. It erodes your quality of life. Emotional toxins can even accumulate in your spirit in the same way that environmental toxins accumulate in your body to the point that you feel sick. Here are 7 steps you can take to protect yourself from sexual harassment.

How can we stop sexual assault and harassment? Skills for teens and adults | Sexual Assault Prevention Resources

Lately, it seems that barely a week goes by that we don’t hear news of adults in positions of power or trust, accused or convicted of “sexual misconduct” in the workplace, domestic violence, sexually abusing young people in their care, and also about adult leaders who were told and ignored it. We believe that because […]

Our Power to Change the Future of Sexual Violence Using boundary & consent skills to change norms and promote safety

Far too many people continue to be profoundly harmed by sexual abuse, harassment, assault, and rape at school, at work, at home, in sports, in the entertainment industry, and in our communities – online and off. Though anyone can become the target of sexual violence, prejudice and discrimination based on gender and sexuality lead to […]