TalentCulture Podcast August 26th: How to Recognize & Stop Workplace Bullying & Harassment

I had the honor of being a guest with TalentCulture’s #TChat program and wanted to share with you the radio interview. TalentCulture is an online community of Human Resource professionals that has over 78,000 followers on Twitter!

Listen to the radio program
Like pollution, workplace bullying and harassment does not usually kill you right away, but an enormous amount of misery is caused – and time wasted – because of unkind words and behavior that cause hurt feelings that take a toll on workplace productivity and relative happiness.

All of us can take leadership to help prevent and stop harmful behavior by example, establishing clear boundaries about what is and is not acceptable, and a plan for upholding these boundaries.

We are not helpless, even in difficult environments. Even though we often cannot control what others do, we can choose how to respond by protecting ourselves emotionally, speaking up, and getting help.

Issues discussed during these interviews include:

  • What kinds of behavior are considered workplace bullying and harassment? What about more subtle forms of undermining and backstabbing?
  • What is the impact of workplace bullying and harassment on productivity, morale, and turnover?
  • If you were asked by HR to come into a toxic bullying environment like Amazon, what’s one of the first things you’d do and why?
  • How can leadership create a culture of respect and safety for everyone?
  • How should we protect ourselves emotionally so that we can respond effectively
  • Should you speak if you experience or witness bullying? If so, how?
  • What is one thing individual contributors can do today to help improve workplace cultures?

The radio interview was followed by an interesting discussion on #TChat Twitter.

Here are some of the resources we shared during these discussions:

“Mean” Adults?? Five Kidpower Skills to Address Adult-to-Adult Bullying

Personal Triggers, Emotional Attacks, and Emotional Safety Techniques for Teens and Adults

#Day1 Campaign to Stop Bullying, Harassment, and Prejudice Before It Starts

Kidpower works with all ages and has been leading workshops and consulting on positive communication, leadership, and team-building for companies and organizations, as well as personal safety and child protection programs. We greatly appreciated the opportunity to share this aspect of our work with the TalentCulture community.

Here is the podcast of the show:

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