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It’s that time of year again! Regardless of what special holiday you and your family may celebrate, December is a time to appreciate for all that we are given and give thanks to those we are most thankful to have in our lives. And, of course, it’s important to remember to be thankful for another year of safety!
Last year at Kidpower we wrote about a heartwarming play, in both English and Spanish, created by talented Special Education Teacher Marcy Mock about how Kidpower helps Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer deal with bullying. Since the premier of “Kidpower Helps Rudolph” in 2009, we are very pleased to say that numerous schools, special education professionals, and caring adults have reached out to us for permission to perform the play themselves in their own community and bring the gift to safety to all in a fun and easy-to-learn format.
We have made the scripts available in both English and Spanish, and have put a video on Youtube (also embedded below) of a truly Five-Star performance! You can also check out the Photo Essay about the play.
Kidpower skills change lives. Every day we hear stories of violence and abuse that were prevented because of what somebody learned from Kidpower. We can all give the gift of safety by getting involved and intervening in situations that are unsafe or jeopardizes the emotional or physical well-being of a person.
You can help Kidpower by letting people know about the wealth of resources we offer and by putting us on your holiday gift list! Every dollar you donate goes directly into giving skills to those most in need.
All of us at Kidpower wish you a happy and safe holiday season!
Published: December 1, 2011 | Last Updated: May 31, 2012