Summer Safety Resources

Taking trips, going to camp, or spending more time on their own in the neighborhood can be great for kids in the summer. But changing routines and going to new places can also present new risks. Here are some resources providing simple steps parents can take and safety skills they can teach their kids before summer camp and recreational activities start, in ways that are fun and age-appropriate rather than scary.

“You Don’t Know What To Do” – Interview alleging abuse from AAU exCEO Bobby Dodd

What other child abuse survivors say about why they didn’t tell is sadly similar to what Ralph West says in the interview about his experience. “I was freaked out. You don’t know what to do. Are you going to blow the lid? All you want to do is pretend it didn’t happen. You want to hide and bury it.”It is terribly sad that this happened – and even more sad that, even all these years and stories later, too many kids today STILL don’t know what to do.

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