How To Protect Kids With Extra Weight From Bullying With Pediatrician and Kidpower Board Member Abby Bleistein, MD

Kids and adults alike often suffer from name-calling, taunting, rude gestures, pranks, and other cruel behavior because of their weight. This handout and audio recording thanks to Healthful Life MD Abby Bleistein provide resources for health care providers and other caring adults who want to provide support and skills for young people who face much higher risks of being bullied about their weight.

New Kidpower Teaching Book Series for educators and parents

These six new books make it easy and fun for educators, parents, and other adult leaders to start to use our “People Safety” curriculum with children and youth in their classrooms, youth programs, and families. Stay tuned for our organizational and school packages that include training for professionals in how to effectively teach and practice skills to keep kids safe.

Fears about School Shootings and Lockdown Drills – Kidpower Recommendations and Resources

7 actions you can take to address fears about school shootings and lockdown drills in ways that create emotional safety for children. Addressing questions like: What is the best way to protect our kids from school shootings? How can we keep them emotionally safe in the face of news about kids getting killed at school and about bomb and shooting threats at schools? How can we explain to them about lockdown drills?

Lily’s Homecoming Day – A Heart Power Success Story about Our Family

At Kidpower, we teach that Heart Power can be used to take kindness into your heart, protect your heart from harmful messages, and use your heart to connect with and be compassionate towards others. Here’s how Heart Power helped my elderly mother to heal her emotional heart and united our family and friends to overcome many obstacles to bring her home.

Keeping Halloween FUN for Kids Kidpower safety tips and tricks!

One thing we at Kidpower have learned over the years as parents and teachers ourselves is that for Halloween to be fun – we have to KNOW OUR AUDIENCE and PLAN AHEAD. None of the young kids we know like to see R-rated murder and mayhem – so every year we scout out ahead of time our trick-or-treat route and check in with neighbors to make sure we avoid streets that kids might not want see – because it’s too scary. A little planning ahead and thought about who will be experiencing your Halloween displays, costumes, and celebrations, can go a long way to making Halloween fun and safe for the kids and adults in your lives!