by Beth McGreevy | Oct 8, 2015
The reason we call our programs Positive Peer Communication, is because our approach is to teach the skills we want young people and adults to build for respectful self-advocacy, boundary setting, and effectively getting help. These skills do help to prevent bullying and harassment — and even more importantly: they are the same skills that help everyone to build positive, healthy relationships and a culture of safety and respect in their families, schools, communities, and workplaces.
by Beth McGreevy | May 19, 2015
A recap of Kidpower’s May 5, 2015 “Turning Problems into Practices” Coaching Call with Kidpower Founder Irene van der Zande. Call Topic: Free-Range Parenting and Safety. Listen to the full audio and read a text summary of the listener questions and solution discussions.
by Beth McGreevy | Apr 8, 2015
We are honored by the many positive responses to our Skills for Child Protection Advocates Training Institute and excited to let you know that we are offering three sessions of our 3-Day Institute over the summer and fall of 2015 – in three locations: California, North Carolina and Montreal!
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Aug 27, 2012
The reality is that children are safest and best able to learn if they are in a positive learning community where everyone supports each other. This article shares ideas I’ve learned from many different people about what we can do to make this happen.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | May 25, 2010
Getting stuck in the details of what’s lacking and forever measuring ourselves against some impossible standard can diminish our joy and ability to keep the big picture of what we truly most want to accomplish in mind.