by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Nov 8, 2019
The holiday season is a time when many people make plans to get together with family and friends – some gathering close by and some traveling quite far – to celebrate and share togetherness, traditions, giving, gratitude, and joy. So, why do some people seem to dread the holidays? Dwelling on past personal conflicts, differences […]
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Dec 22, 2015
Kids and adults alike benefit from being able to speak up instead of suffering through intrusive games, conversations, affection, and other pressures that often become issues during the holidays.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Nov 19, 2014
These resources from Kidpower have helped thousands of our readers to enjoy their holidays more by improving communication, making clear safety plans, setting realistic expectations, strengthening relationships, and reducing stress.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Oct 18, 2011
As part of its One Million Safer Kids project, Kidpower, a global leader in personal safety education for children, is reminding parents that the trick to having a fun, safe Halloween is to Stay Aware and to teach your children to do the same. As adults, we need to Stay Aware that: