Free resources to keep kids safe 4 important steps to protect and empower young people

In today’s troubled times, more than ever, all children need to know that they can turn to and trust an adult for help. As part of September’s Child Protection Advocacy Month, Kidpower International is sharing four important steps plus free resources that can make a lasting difference in a child’s life and help to transform the fear of bullying, violence, and abuse into a future of lifelong safety and success for today’s youth.

Five “Protection Power” Activities for International Child Protection Month

September is International Child Protection Month – a celebration we started in 2014 for our 25th anniversary as an annual global initiative – providing free online resources for and from us and many other people partnering to keep our kids safe.

Here are five free activities you can start this September to join us in our mutual commitment to protecting young people from bullying, violence, and abuse – and empowering them with knowledge and skills for taking charge of their own well being.

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