It’s never too late to tell

“Teaching the kids in our club that it is ‘never too late to tell’ stopped abuse that had gone on for over a year! Kidpower’s safety lessons helped this child have the confidence and courage to tell his parents and get the help he needs – and has also led to other kids being protected from this man’s predatory behavior.”

Help For A Worried Grandmother

Recently, a worried grandmother contacted Kidpower, convinced her very young granddaughter was being sexually abused, and asking for help. She gave no other information, not even a phone number. We responded immediately, recommending immediate action she could take. Child abuse is a crime and it takes someone who has the right kind of skills to […]

Consent Skills for All Ages

Learning about consent isn’t just about sex. Children can start to learn the following Kidpower safety rules for safety with touch as soon as they can talk, and these rules stay relevant throughout their lives: Touch or games for play, teasing, and affection should be safe, ok with each person, allowed by the adults in charge, and not a secret.